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学校类型:本科院校 所在省市:安徽省 合肥市 东区 院校级别:省市重点 办学性质:公办 访问次数:63117 次



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院校所在地:安徽省 合肥市 东区
通讯地址:合肥市梅山路103号(东区);合肥市史河路45号 (西区)
  安徽中医学院简介:另有30名国内外知名专家学者应聘担任学校客座教授。2001年,学校获准招收国外留学生, 1995年,开始招收硕士学位国外留学生。 学校现有18个硕士点、 5个博士生联合培养基地、26个本科专业(方向)。学校还有1个安徽省A类重点学科、7个安徽省B类重点学科、9个国家中医药管理局重点建设专科、5个省级重点专科、9个省级重点实验室及工程研究中心、4个省级教改示范专业、3个省级基础课实验教学示范中心、6门省级重点课程、16门省级精品课程。 学校占地总面积328亩,分东、西两个校区。有12个二级教学院部、2所直属附院、4所非直属附院、10个中医药研究所。讲席教授2人,具有教授等高级职称者135人,博士生导师10人,副教授等副高职称者271人,硕士生导师183人,享受政府津贴27人,学校现有教职工2000余人(含两所附院),博士80余人。是安徽省第七、八届文明单位。       安徽中医学院创建于1959年,其前身为1952年7月在芜湖开设的安徽省中医进修班(1953年9月更名安徽中医进修学校)。中医学、中药学、针灸推拿学为国家教育部高等学校特色专业、中医内科学为国家中医药管理局重点建设学科。已与美国、加拿大、丹麦、澳大利亚等19个国家和地区的30多个医疗和教育机构建立了友好合作关系。现有在校全日制本专科生9000余人、硕士生600余人、留学生77人、成教生近2000人。 学校是国家中医临床研究基地建设单位,国家新增博士学位授权立项建设单位,国家中医药国际合作基地、硕士研究生免试推荐单位。学校在国家教育部本科教学工作水平评估中取得优良成绩;2006年,在安徽省大学生思想政治教育工作评估中获得优秀成绩;2007年, 2005年,获“全国厂(校)务公开先进单位”。三九药业、康缘药业、宛西制药、联邦制药、济人药业等一大批省内外大型企业,学校已与黄山、亳州、宁国、绩溪等十余个市县政府,建立了战略合作关系。科研经费5000余万元,学校共承担国家“973”、国家自然科学基金等各级各类项目600余项,“十五”以来,获研究成果200余项。是安徽省产学研工作先进单位。新安医学科技创新团队、现代中药研发产业创新团队、内科气虚病证中医药调控的基础及应用研究创新团队, 学校具有较强的科研实力和水平,均为省级创新团队。形成了独特的优势,形成了“弘扬新安医学,培育中医人才”的办学特色,确立了“至精至诚、惟是惟新”的办学理念, 50年来,学校秉承安徽“北华佗、南新安”的医学传统,在中医药学科建设、中医药人才培养、中医药对外交流、中医药产业开发与利用等方面,为国家培养了2万多名中医药高级人才。         Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine was founded in 1959 on the basis of  Anhui Traditional Chinese Medicine Training Class which was established in Wuhu in July 1952 and was renamed Anhui Training School of Traditional Chinese Medicine in September 1953。     The university is an institution to be built into a national clinical research base for traditional Chinese medicine and a newly listed institution by the State for doctorate project authorization。 In addition, it is also a national base for international TCM cooperation and a recommendation unit for examination-exempted master student candidates。 In the evaluation in 2005 on the undergraduate teaching level organized by the Ministry of Education, the university was awarded excellent appraisal。  In the evaluation in 2006 on the ideological and political education of the university students organized by Anhui provincial government, the university got an excellent rating。  In 2007 the university was honored as an advanced unit nationwide for its transparency of university management。  Moreover, it was named consecutively a model unit in social progress in the 7th and 8th evaluations by Anhui provincial government。 The university covers a total area of 328 mu in both the east and the west campuses。  At present, there are more than 9,000 full-time undergraduate students, more than 600 master-degree candidates, 77 international students and nearly 2,000 adult-education students。 The faculty of the university consists of 2,000 people (including those teaching and working in the two affiliated hospitals), among them 135 are professors or senior professional title holders, 271 associate professors or equivalent professional title holders, 2 chair professors, 10 doctoral tutors, 183 master tutors, 27 enjoying government subsidies and 80 PhD owners。  In addition, 30 well-known experts and scholars from China and other countries are invited to be visiting professors at the university。     The university now has 18 units presenting programs for master degree students, 5 joint doctoral-student education bases, 26 undergraduate majors (direction)。 There are 12 secondary colleges or academies, two affiliated hospitals directly under the university and 4 hospitals closely tied and in collaboration and 10 TCM research institutes。  The programs of traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese pharmacology, acupuncture and Chinese massage are categorized by the Minister of Education as specialties of higher-learning institutions with special features。  The TCM internal medicine is a key subject supported by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine。  In addition, the university has one key discipline rated at class-A and 7 disciplines at class-B of Anhui Province, 9 key specialties to be built by the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and 5 provincial level key specialties。  And under the university there are 9 provincial key laboratories and engineering R&D centers, 4 education reform demo majors and 3 experimental teaching demonstration centers for basic courses at provincial-level, 6 provincial key courses and 16 provincial quality courses。     The University is rather strong in scientific research at a comparatively high level。  Xin'an Medical Science Innovation Team, Modern TCM R&D and Industrial Innovation Team and the Innovation Team specializing in the basic studies and application of the TCM control for syndrome caused by Qi deficiency in the internal medicine are all provincial level innovation teams。  Since the implementation of the 10th Five-year Plan, the university has taken about 600 projects in total under the national "973" program and other programs of the National Natural Science Foundation with a research funding input of more than 50 million RMB。  Up to now, more than 200 research outcomes have been obtained。 The university has established strategic cooperative relations with a dozen of cities and counties including Huangshan, Bozhou, Ningguo and Jixi and many large pharmaceutical enterprises in and outside of Anhui Province such as Sanjiu Medical & Pharmaceutical Co。, Ltd。, Kanion Pharmaceutical, Wanxi Pharmaceutical Co。, Ltd, United Laboratories Co。, Ltd。 and Jiren Pharmaceutical。  It is also an advanced unit in the integration of industry and academia in research in Anhui Province。     In 1995, the university was allowed to recruit foreign students and in 2001 it began to take foreign students for master degree studies。  It has twinned with more than 30 medical and educational institutions in 19 countries and regions, such as the United States, Canada, Denmark and Australia。     By adhering for 50 years to the traditional Anhui medical culture summarized as "Hua Tuo's legacy in the north and Xin'an school of medicine in the South", the university has developed an educational characteristic of "carrying forward Xin'an medicine tradition in cultivating TCM doctors", established a "Perfection, Sincerity, Truthfulness and Innovation"education philosophy and accumulated unique advantages in TCM discipline building, TCM personnel training, international exchanges and the development and application of TCM industry。  It has trained more than 20,000 high-level TCM professionals。 学校地址:合肥市梅山路103号(校本部)、合肥市史河路45号(西校区)网    址: 教育网:www。ahtcm。edu。cn     。
  安徽中医学院学生人数:    学校现有在校全日制本专科生9000余人、硕士生600余人、留学生77人、成教生近2000人,。。。
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  • 详细地址:
    合肥市梅山路103号(东区);合肥市史河路45号 (西区)
  • 电话:
香港公开大学 武警乌鲁木齐指挥学院 解放军边防学院 解放军空军西安飞行学院 解放军西安政治学院
宣城市郎溪县金桥学校 合肥东南数控专修学校 郎溪县劳动就业培训管理中心 陈塘村幼儿园 安徽中电办公设备有限公司培训学校
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